Ras Muhamad: Salute To Mbah Surip For Fighting Reggae Music

Ras Muhamad
Tak Gendong, the song was sung by late Mbah Surip recognized as one of the pillars in the realm of reggae music in the homeland music biz. In spite of this type of music was in fact already exists in Indonesia, but thanks to Mbah Surip, all levels of society are now more familiar with music that is often played on beach.

It is recognized by reggae musician Ras Muhamad. He said Mbah Surip merits to introduce reggae are big enough. Mbah Surip tirelessly continue to struggle to sing reggae-nuanced songs in every occasions.

"I salute to his struggle on the street. Because reggae music is the street music and opens. He remains undaunted to keep on work. We lost, and he always invites laughter," Ras Muhamad said.

In fact, he added, when met recently by KapanLagi.com in Central Jakarta, Mbah Surip making mainstream music turned. Not follow the mainstream, but mainstream then following Mbah Surip.

"As far as I know, he always played reggae. Tak Gendong created since 1983 but booms recently. He's not go to mainstream, but the mainstream following Mbah Surip. 's Why this song is very powerful. Although had a reggae root, but was more relaxed and easy listening. I salute , until the children was happy with this song. Reggae became more familiar and more powerful existence, "he explained

Is it worthy if Mbah Surip said as pioneer of reggae? Ras shook his head. "If about that, I agree more on fact that he is a senior of reggae. Because I see the first who fight for reggae music in Indonesia is Tonny Qiub as pioneer," he concluded.

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