Mbah Surip's 'Tak Gendong' Reaped Success With Billions Of Rupiah

Mbah SuripThe song Tak Gendong sang by Mbah Surip be able to drop him to the gates of success. NSP (nada sambung pribadi) of Tak Gendong song reaped large profits worth Rp 9 billion. This Bob Marley-style man also get royalties as much as Rp 4,5 billion.

Mbah Surip who interviewed by RCTI, on Friday (10/7/2009), admitted that he will donate some of the money he've got. "Some money was saved, and some for some orphans. To charities everywhere," said this owner of real name Urip Ariyanto while laughing.

On a glance overview there's nothing special from the song Tak Gendong. The lyric is simple, "Tak gendong ke mana-mana, tak gendong ke mana-mana" (eng: To pickaback everywhere, to pickaback everywhere), "Enak toh, Enak toh" (Isn't it pleasant, Isn't it pleasant). What a lyric meant, for sure.

So where does Mbah Surip got the idea of creating the song?

"The idea originally came when Mbah Surip worked for the oil drilling company in the United States. If I had a holiday I used to went down under the bridges of California. I see how the cooperation between the people there and in Indonesia is almost the same. There is a gotong royong (conception of mutual aid)," Mbah Surip said who was starting his career as a street musician.

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