Tarix Jabrix 2 The Movie, More Comedy To Social Issues Parodies

Polite bikers and well attitude motorcycle gang The Tarix Jabrix with its members Caca Sutarya alias Cacing (Tria Changcut), Mulder (Dipa Changcut), Dadang (Erick Changcut), Ciko (Alda Changcut), Coki (Qibil Changcut) has graduated high school and interested in studying to Jakarta with all the advantages offered by the metropolitan city.

Because they has never been to Jakarta, The Tarix Jabrix gang minus Dadang desperately to Jakarta to bring their own favored motorcycles, reasonable if just to find places to stay they have to spin around in the same street for several times.

A few days in Jakarta, this four men such as are in a foreign environment, most Jakarta's people in fact are very careless, not friendly to them, it makes their hearts shocked.

Until one day they met with the dustman, it is strange that no one would help, "gotong royong (eng: mutual aid) no longer exists in this town," said one of this Tarix Jabrix's member.

In order to adjust with the condition of the city's chaotic, and not considering the motorist existence, Cacing give ideas to other friends in the gang to switch from motorcycle to the car, but strong opposition appears from Mulder, because this Honda CBR 150 cc rider think, the Tarix Jabrix is motorcycle gang not car group, and because of that then rupture occurs, Ciko and Coki more agree with Cacing, they had to sell their motorbikes to get a desirable car.

When Cacing, Ciko and Coki already have a car that fit to their taste, it's here togetherness of Tarix Jabrix then questioned, Mulder does not want to join with the gang anymore and choose his own way as a wild racer.

But, unexpectedly in one time there were few women came to the life of Ciko, Coki, and Cacing that is the twin Lala (Agustini Putri Winda), Lili (Windi Putri Agustina), and Malinka (Joanna Alexandra). They can make Mulder back together with his gang friends .

Because there is a case of abduction with the victim is a younger brother of Lala and Lili named Donadoni (Umay Shahab). The kidnapper is Valent (Raymod Y. Tungka) member of cruel motorcycle gang who hiring Bruno (Judika) and Sarah (Duma R. Silalahi ) as executors in the field.

Here is the climax of Tarix Jabrix gang member helping each other trying to rescue Donadoni. Friendliness among them was tied again.

The movie directed by Iqbal Rais adopts spoofs that regularly happens in the lives of The Changcuters Band Personnel. Does not need lots of directing, habits of Tria, Dipa, Erick, Alda and Qibil parodying communities's daily life, make them play very well at the comedy film genre.

This film is dedicated to the youth and junior or senior high school students, especially the Changcut Ranger that have waited long enough for the sequel of The Tarix Jabrix the first, which then successful enough to make this Bandung based group into one of the bands that have they own uniqueness.

Production: PT. Kharisma Starvision Plus.
Director: Iqbal Rais
Producer: Chand Parwez Servia

Tria Changcut (Caca Sutarya aka Cacing)
Alda Changcut (Ciko)
Qibil Changcut (Coki)
Dipa Changcut (Mulyana Derajat aka Mulder)
Erick Changcut (Dadang)
Malinka (Joanna Alexandra)
Judika (Bruno)
Raymond Y. Tungka (Valent)
Duma R. Silalahi (Sarah)

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